March 8, 2025

The older I get the more I love the hunt! I use to think you had to kill something to have a successful hunt. I find something to make every hunt successful. The harvest is the bonus of a hunt. A successful hunt can come in many different forms for me. It can be the sound of the birds waking up. The fall leaves dropping from trees. The early morning sun breaking through the darkness of night.

This past Saturday opening day of gun season didn’t harvest a deer, but it sure was a success. My brother-in-law Mike Tipton and I decided to hunt together. Mike has issues with heights so Saturday morning he was on the ground and I was about 25 feet above him in a tree stand.
We had small buck come by and visit for a few minutes. The buck was about 10 yards from us. He hung out for several minutes before he decided maybe something wasn’t right. It was neat to watch the little buck so close.
We ended the morning with a total of 1 little buck and 8 doe seen. We passed on all of the deer we seen hoping for a monster buck to show up. Even with  no deer harvested it was still a huge success!
The success of this hunt was the sunrise! I sit in the stand and watched the sun come up. I got to take time to appreciate the sun rise. It is just amazing how the sun swallows up the darkness. I love to hear the sounds of all the critters as the sun wakes them up. Once the sun comes up there is no sign of darkness!
I always think God speaks to us every day we just have to listen. This sunrise I witnessed was definitely God speaking. We all have darkness in our lives. We need the SON to engulf our life to overpower the darkness. When the SON rises in our life there will be no traces of darkness. The SON will wake us to an entire new way of living.
To all those who have filled tags, congrats go out to you. It also means you get to sleep in! To all those who are like me and still have some deer tags in your pocket, get out and enjoy a sunrise. Good Luck on the rest of the season and stay safe!
Until next time get out and enjoy Gods creation!