February 17, 2025

Outdoor Gear Reviews

Welcome to the Outdoor Gear Reviews page of the Average Outdoorsman website. Here you will find a few of the products that we reviewed with an unbiased opinion.

Just click on the picture and it will take you to the write-up. We hope that as a consumer looking for help in deciding to purchase a particular product that you find our reviews both informational and helpful.


As a consumer looking for insights about certain products before you spend your hard earned money, you are at the right place! Why do we say that? We will express why you should listen to the AverageOutdoorsman outdoor gear reviews.

  • We are just like you. Our families come first and when we want to purchase something for our outdoor enjoyment we need to know that it is money well spent.
  • We offer an honest and unbiased opinion about the products we review from an outdoors person’s point of view.
  • We provide a detailed explanation of the product and its uses so you can make an informed decision. We really put the products through the “ringer” so we are confident about our final decision.
  • We provide photos of the products in use and links to the company for you to easily visit if you choose.
gamextractor gloshade grandtrunk huntinator
loksak looprope khakis muckboots

As you can see, we take reviewing outdoor gear seriously. We truly hope that you find AverageOutdoorsman the destination place to learn about outdoor products. We encourage you to read all our outdoor gear reviews to gain an informed decision before you purchase.

Below is a few more of our Outdoor Gear Reviews for you to read. If you are a visitor with any questions about outdoor gear reviews, please feel free to contact AverageOutdoorsman any time.

We will not review scent attractant or mineral attractants used for hunting game.