Even when you are camping, you can prepare a delicious cup of coffee. You do not need a luxurious coffee maker or supply of electricity to make a drink that can perk you up and make the outdoors more enjoyable.
Want to learn how to make coffee while camping? Keep on reading and we’ll share the secrets! You will need only basic materials, as well as little time and effort to spare.
Here are the 6 Camping Coffee Brew Methods
1. Instant Coffee

Instant coffee packets won’t require a lot of space in your bag, making it one of the quickest ways to make coffee when you are camping. The problem, however, is that it does not have a good reputation when it comes to flavor and aroma.
From all the methods that are mentioned in this guide, this is the one that requires the least effort. Once water is boiled, your instant coffee will be ready to be enjoyed in under a minute.
What You Will Need
There are only three things that you will need to make this coffee – a pack of instant coffee, kettle, and water.
How To Do It
- Boil water in a kettle.
- Pour the water in a cup.
- Add instant coffee, mix, and enjoy! You also have the option to add creamer and sugar depending on the taste that you personally prefer.
2. Cowboy Coffee

Like in the case of instant coffee, it will require minimal effort on your end and your drink will be ready in less than five minutes. The dark and rich texture of this drink makes it different from instant coffee, making it possible to enjoy a fuller flavor.
One thing that makes this different from the method mentioned above is the addition of an egg, which also gives the drink a distinct taste.
What You Will Need
To make your coffee using the cowboy method, you will need ground coffee, egg, coffee pot, cold water, and fire.
How to Do It
- Start by setting the fire and boiling water in a kettle or tin, depending on what is available in the campsite.
- Once the water has reached boiling point, add coffee grounds.
- Remove it from fire, stir, and wait for five to ten minutes for the coffee to steep.
- Crack the egg and remove the yolk. Add the egg white and the shell in your coffee. Yes, the shells are included!
- Sprinkle cold water in the top and wait for the eggshell to sink.
- Enjoy your coffee!
3. Coffee in a Bag

This is a method that is similar to preparing tea from a bag. More than being lightweight, it is also non-messy. It will be easy to clean afterwards since the coffee grounds are contained in a bag, which is the one that you will steep.
If you are after convenience, the best thing to do is to buy coffee that is already packaged in a bag. Otherwise, you can also make a bag on your own, which is pretty much a straightforward process that can be done by almost anyone.
What You Will Need
If you already have the pre-made coffee bag, all that you will need is hot water to enjoy your caffeine treat. On the other hand, should you decide to make it from scratch, you can use cheesecloth as a makeshift bag for your coffee.
How To Do It
- Put water in a kettle or pot and bring it to a boil.
- Prepare your bags while waiting for the water to boil. You can do this by laying flat a standard basket coffee filter or cheesecloth. Fill it with ground coffee and tie.
- Once the water has boiled, transfer it to a cup. Put the coffee bag. Wait for about three to five minutes for it to steep and drink while it is still hot.
4. French Press Coffee

If you have the patience and the tools, enjoying French Press coffee is possible even when you are camping. All that you have to do is to pack and bring it with you as you head to the outdoors. This will allow you to enjoy gourmet coffee in the campsite.
What You Will Need
If you will resort to this method of coffee preparation, the main material that you will need to have with you is the French Press. Luckily, you can find ones that are lightweight and made of plastic, making it easy to bring with you when camping. You can also choose from the French Press travel mugs, which are perfect for people who are on-the-go. The latter allows you to make French Press coffee and use it as a mug at the same time.
How to Do It
- Boil water.
- Disassemble the French Press by removing the plunger and the lid.
- Add coffee grounds. It is recommended that you use a grinder for French Press that can produce coarsely ground coffee.
- Fill the French Press with half water. Allow it to sit for half a minute before you give it an initial stir.
- Pour the remaining water to fill the French Press.
- Add the lid and the plunger.
- Allow the coffee to steep for three to four minutes.
- Press the plunger slowly all the way to the bottom.
- Transfer in a cup and enjoy your coffee.
5. Pour-Over Coffee

Even when you are in the campsite, it is possible to prepare a pour-over coffee. It will require quite an effort and time. A traditional dripper can be a good and compact addition in your camping gear. You can also make a dripper on your own.
What You Will Need
The main material that you will need for this method is the coffee dripper. You can buy ones that are ready-made to spare effort and time as against making one on your own when you are in the campsite.
How To Do It
- Boil water.
- Put the dripper on the top of the cup and place a filter inside the cone.
- Add coffee grounds. For a pour-over, medium to coarse grind will be the best. Grind the beans before you leave home for convenience. Fill the dripper with 2/3 or ½ of the coffee.
- After the water has boiled, wait for about 30 minutes before you start pouring it slowly on the top.
6. Percolator Coffee

This is another traditional method of preparing coffee, which will work even when on the campsite. There is no need for fancy tools or power supply, so you can prepare your caffeine fix even when on the outdoors. While there are electric percolators, there are also some that work manually.
What You Will Need
Aside from coffee, water, and source of heat, you will need the percolator, of course! They are cheap and lightweight.
How to Do It
- Remove the internal chamber filter from your percolator.
- Fill the percolator with water.
- Return the filter system.
- Add coffee grounds. If possible, use one tablespoon for every cup of coffee, although this can be adjusted depending on how strong you want the coffee to be.
- Place the percolator on the source of heat and wait for up to eight minutes.
- Serve the coffee and enjoy it while it is hot.
Wrap Up
As it has been discussed above, it is easy to prepare your own coffee even when on the campsite. From using instant coffee packets to percolators, there are several ways to have your caffeine fix ready in no time while requiring minimal effort.