March 21, 2025
camping gear

When you are someone who loves the outdoors, you tend to gain a lot of equipment over the years. Whether that is fishing rods or your camping equipment, your home can get filled with these. Of course, with camping gear, there are so many different things that you need to have on hand for every camping trip that you take. This is why you need to make sure that you are looking after your camping gear each time you head off into the outdoors.

In this article, we are going to give you some of our best tips to help you look after your camping gear. There are so many great places to camp near to NY so we know there are plenty of you that will be interested.

camping gear

Turn It Off

This might not be something that seems as important at first, but you will find that it is an important tip for those who regularly go camping. You often rely on your torches and your cooking stove to get you through the night but what would happen if you didn’t have these on your next trip? This can be incredibly dangerous, and you might regret not bringing those spare batteries when you are left out in the dark.

By switching everything off, you are preserving the battery and making sure that your next camping trip is a safe one. There are many wild animals in the state of NY so you need to make sure that you are protected and can see where you are going. Try to take some time to turn everything off including torches and your GPS. Think about removing batteries and taking the fuel out of your camping stove as this can also help. This should be easy enough to do so make sure not to neglect this important step.

Clean It Up

The next tip that we have for those who want to make sure that their camping gear is in good condition is to remember to clean it up. Once you get back from a camping trip, it can be tempting just to shove your tent and your sleeping bag into a cupboard but is it dirty? You might find that there is a lot of mud on the bottom of the tent or that it got dirty and wet when it rained on your last trip.

Try to clean everything as best you can. You might need to hose down your tent and some of the other items, but some can go in the washing machine. Once you have washed everything, you should also make sure that you are drying it carefully. This way, you can make sure that it doesn’t corrode and get mold on it over time.

You can find plenty of tips online to help you get everything cleaned up. Make sure to have a look at these and see what you can find.

Storing It

Finally, you need to make sure that you are storing your camping gear in a safe and secure location. Homes in the Bronx and surrounding areas are quite small typically and so you might not have enough space inside of your home to keep all of your camping gear safe. Have you ever thought about keeping your camping gear in self storage units?

If you are based in NYC, you’ll find storage facilities in each borough. For example, there are many Bronx storage units including Moishe’s storage, which you can use to keep your camping gear safe. It can be easy for things to get damaged when they are crammed into a cupboard in your home and so this might be something to consider. Things like your sleeping pad should be stored loosely rather than rolled up but this can be tricky when you don’t have a lot of space to do so in your own home. Take a look at self-storage in the Bronx online to see how this could benefit you and your camping excursions.

Final Verdict

Camping with your friends and family can be one of the best things that you can do and in NY there are plenty of places that you can get outdoors. If you are someone who owns a lot of camping gear, it is important that you are looking after it as well as you can. You must realise that camping gear is quite expensive and neglecting to clean it and store it properly can lead to money going down the drain.

Make sure to take on board some of the tips that we have given you here in this article and this should help you to figure out what you should do with your camping gear. Happy camping!