March 28, 2025
great outdoors


Love the great outdoors but not so pleased about the idea of working out? Or, maybe you think that just getting out in the outdoors is enough of a workout. You would be partially right about that, however, with a little more effort you could increase your workout. Here are some great ideas to help include a workout while enjoying the great outdoors.


great outdoors

While fishing inland lakes for your favorite species of fish, use a canoe, kayak, small rowboat or even a pedal boat. Paddling the canoe, kayak or small rowboat is a great workout for your arms, shoulders, back and chest. A pedal boat really works out your thighs, calves and even abs. As a bonus, you are also getting a good cardio workout.

great outdoors

If you prefer fishing rivers, streams and creeks, then put on some waders or just walk the bank. The hours spent fishing allows you to put a mile and even more under your belt. It does not seem like a lot, but this isn’t track or road walking. This is over rough terrain meaning a much more difficult walk. Match this with the constant fishing and you have a pretty good workout. See, fishing from waders in the river means your arms are constantly being held out in front of you. If you do not believe that matters, I challenge you to hold your arms out in front of you for a half hour.

great outdoors

To increase the workout, instead of parking destination vehicles, walk back upstream. If you are in waist to chest deep water even a small current provides you with a challenging walk. Of course, you will need to be careful since the unpredictable river bottom and a stronger current can prove to be potentially dangerous.


To get a descent workout while scouting, start with not parking at your destination station. What I mean by this is to not park where you would normally walk into the woods to scout. Park a couple hundred yards away and walk the rest of the way. The use of small ankle and wrist weights will increase the demand on your muscles. I always have a backpack with me when scouting. I keep everything I may need in this backpack. All the different items I have adds up in weight to carry. Just basics like flashlight, knives, TP, batteries, small first aid kit, rope, water and snack really combine for increased weight.

great outdoors

These are just a couple of ideas to help you get a workout while doing what you love. The best part about including a workout while being in the great outdoors is that you won’t really notice until you are done with your activity. Plus, you really can’t beat the scenery.

Thank you for your time in reading my article and as always, if you enjoyed the read, please share with your friends on social media.

Have a great day and enjoy the outdoors,
Tim Collins.