March 27, 2025

Are you an angler determined to succeed in you activity? First, to have a great experience in your work, you need to have the right spinning rod. Having the wrong one would make you feel horrible. Fishing is supposed to be fun. If you have been shopping for an ultra light casting rod, chances are that you have seen many different types. The reason for this is that they are better suited for lightweight types of lures that fishers use. But what are lures and their benefits? Well! A fishing lure is a type of artificial bait designed to attract the attention of fish. They are fitted with hooks and use movement, vibration and color to bait.

In this article, we will tackle more on ultra light lure fishing and the best lightweight spinning rods.

Ultra Light Lure Fishing

Fishing lures are made of wood, plastic, rubber and metal. Modern ones are often used with a good ultralight spinning rod and a reel but some fishers use a technique whereby they hold the toss lines in their hands. It is continuously cast out and retrieved. This makes it swim and catch fish from their hind outs and on flats.

The Method

Tie the lure with a knot or connect with a safety pin-like device called ‘swivel’ onto the fishing line through the arbor. Attach the reel on to the stick. The motion is done by sweeping the pole to make movements on to the winding thread by pulling behind a moving boat.

Lure Fishing Tips

  • In colored water, bass and Pollack hunt for prey by detecting their movement using lateral line and sight. Use a spinner designed to generate maximum amount of movement at this point.
  • For Mackerel species, (which snap at anything resembling a prey), cheap silver spinners will work well.
  • Diving birds are a sign that small fish are near the surface of the water.
  • When looking for a pier, breakwater or rock mark, anglers see the sea boiling. The fact is that mackerel are hunting prey fish and forcing them upwards. Take a cast at this point.
  • Fishing in deep water varies with depth at which the lures are retrieved. It is necessary to allow them sink for sometimes to reach the required distance.

Best Lightweight Spinning Rods

  • Shakespeare Ugly Stik

This is recommended as it offers strength and sensitivity. It is durable, available in different sizes and lightweight offering a balanced feel. On the price, it is inexpensive and has a great warranty. Experts as well as newcomers can use it.

  • St. Croix Mojo Bass Series

This type is very great and light to carry. It is specifically designed to use with a baitcasting reel. It works the best in salty water thus capturing species like Mackerel and sea trout.

  • Okuma Celilo Graphite Trout Rod

It is made of top quality materials such as; sensitive graphite, aluminum oxide, stainless steel and rear cork grips. These makes it last longer and be durable. It is available in a range of sizes.

The spinning rods are transportable and extremely light in weight for fishing all day long. They are flexible, strong and sturdy and their retrieval capacity is great. This will give you great loads of fish making your work enjoyable. Always remember to carry some forceps in case of a deep hooked perch, some wire cutters and plenty of spare hooks.