October 22, 2024

A survival trip is adventurous and a good way of escaping from the norms of the world. They come with their own challenges and risks and therefore one needs to be prepared physically and psychologically in order to achieve the goal of the trip. Good prior preparations go a long way in making the trip successful. Below are a few tips that may help in the planning of a survival trip.

  • Planning ahead:

A person should have a clear understanding of what to expect in the survival trip. You should know what the weather will be like, the geographical location, the means to arrive there, and whether the place is hostile or friendly. You should also have a clearly marked map indicating the route that you will follow. It is also crucial to inform a friend or family member about the planned trip well in advance.

It is also very important to clearly know the risks that may be involved in the survival trip and how you can counter them. For example, harsh weather conditions may lead to serious health problems. Mountaineering also has its risks like falling off a rock and hence you will need gear that will reduce such risks.

  • Finding your way:

Knowing your destination before the actual trip is very crucial. You can decide to pay a physical visit beforehand or you can choose to invest in good GPRS equipment that will guide you well. Understand the geographical terrain well and do thorough research about the place.

It is good to ensure that the body is physically fit to meet the challenges ahead. Most of the survival trips are done in extreme conditions like too much heat in the wilderness or too cold up the mountain. It is advisable to exercise the body properly prior to the trip so that it can adjust to hardship conditions. One way of ensuring that a person is fit is by using an exercise or an indoor bike. An exercise bike helps a person to achieve all-around body fitness. Although they are very many types of exercise bikes, they are classified into 2, namely upright bikes and recumbent bikes. Upright bikes are similar to ordinary bicycles and recumbent bikes have body support. Recumbent bikes are suitable for people with back pain. Upright bikes occupy a much smaller space than recumbent bikes.

  • Proper Diet

Any person planning to take a survival trip should ensure that their bodies are healthy by having a balanced diet and taking plenty of water. Survival trips are tedious and they need bodies that can withstand some extreme weather conditions and fatigue. Ensure that the body is strong enough and develop a positive mind. You may even wish to make use of something like these Bio X4 offers to get some supplements that can help you both lose any extra weight you are carrying, and then maintain the good physique that you have whilst you are out in the wilderness so that your body has the best chance of staying healthy throughout your trip.

You should visit a doctor well in advance for a checkup to ensure that the body is ready for the survival trip challenge.

You need to know which foods to carry for the trip. It should be enough but not too bulky. It is good to clearly know whether you will carry ready-to-eat foods or there will be cooking to be done. The food should be kept in light containers and caution needs to be taken as some foods, if not well packed may lead to food poisoning.

  • Classic Backpacks:

A good backpack will help you enjoy the long tiresome journey as it is comfortable and able to accommodate all the necessary items. A good backpack must be durable, easy to carry and strong enough. It must also have an adjustable length and plenty of bottle water pockets. There are very many types of Classic Backpacks and one should choose according to their survival trip requirements. Some are lightweight while others are heavyweight. Highlight the items you will require for the trip before choosing the right backpack.

  • Survival Gears:

You should clearly understand the destination of your survival trip for purposes of proper planning on the survival gear you will need. For example, if you plan to go to a mountaintop, you should be prepared with relevant gear for extremely low temperatures which may cause hypothermia. It is important that you have the right gears for the expected weather. It is important to carry athletic clothes as they make the trip very enjoyable. Carry an extra pair of shoes, sandals, pajamas, socks, shorts, t-shirts, and underwear. Always carry a mosquito net to avoid disturbances by insects at the night.

  • Equipment Checklist:

A person preparing for a survival trip should have a checklist of all the items they will require for the trip to avoid leaving out crucial items. This list should have items like an outdoor wok burner, cooking stoves, utensils, compass, torch, tents, rain gear, boots, water containers, and cabbage bags to mention but a few. It should be confirmed well before the commencing of the journey.

  • First Aid Kit:

It is important that you carry a small first aid kit just to ensure that you are ready for any emergencies. It should contain a bandage, a razor blade, an antiseptic, eye wash, insect repellants, and painkillers. Also, carry with you an emergency number that you can call in case of a serious hiccup. Lavender oil is handy in treating insect bites.

You should be able to understand and administer first aid when a need arises.

  • Final Verdict:

Planning for a survival trip should be done carefully so as to obtain the objective of the trip. You should have a checklist so as to ensure that nothing is left out. Select comfortable clothes and a backpack to reduce the level of fatigue. You should also understand the destination of the trip well so as to avoid disappointments.

It is very important to learn techniques such as lighting a fire without a matchstick. Fires scare away animals and keep you warm while smoke drives away insects and this will make your sleeping very secure.

Note that in a survival trip, one needs to be alert and also ready to handle any emergencies.