October 21, 2024

When it comes to comfort, personally I am big fan.  That goes more for hunting as it does sitting in my recliner watching the Bears on Sunday.  A comfortable treestand or seat against a tree is vital for me when I want to spend hours upon hours trying to sit still waiting on that Booner to walk by.  We all know how it goes.  You’re sitting there and you need to stand up because you’re sore from sitting.  I know you have been there.  It’s a common problem that we just deal with by standing up or constantly adjusting which in a lot of cases may give your position up and scare that long beard off into wild blue yonder.

I was given the opportunity to try out the Slumper Seats Simple 16 this spring while turkey hunting.  When I first saw this seat, I was probably more excited than I should have been.  But like I mentioned above, I like to be comfortable and the thought of sitting on a 4 inch thick foam pad sounded great to me.  Plus using this on the ground made even more sense.  I have used many pads in the past and they are all thin seats that pretty much only keep you off the ground but you still feel all the uneven roots and whatever on the ground.  Don’t get me wrong, those thinner pads do provide additional comfort, but not something I can sit for a long amount of time on.  But the Slumper Seat Simpler 16 solved a lot of issues I had with the thinner seats.  The 4″ thick foam pad absorbed any uneven points on the ground and gave me a perfect seat every time.  The seat kept me up off the cold wet ground which is always a plus.  The fabric  is whisper quiet and super water resistant to help keep you dry and comfortable!

slumper seats review

The pad is designed to be used with other standard seats like pictured.  It comes with two adjustable straps to securely fasten onto the seat.  I like to stay lower so I use the seat by itself.  I found the adjustable straps work great to attach the seat to myself.  I just used one strap like a belt and clipped it on.  It put the seat right where it needs to be and I didn’t have to worry about carrying it.
slumper seats review









To see the full review, go to AverageHunter.com