March 25, 2025

What is the Best Time to Hunt Coyotes? (Everything You Need to Know)

Article Written By; Lamont Ly,


Hunting coyotes is an easy task on certain days while some days are tough. And do you know why? It’s because there is something referred to as the best time to hunt coyotes. And every passionate hunter should be aware of this if he or she wants to make their hunting expeditions successful.

There are factors like time of the day, weather, and even time of the year that play a huge role in hunting coyotes. You need to know the right circumstances if you want to be productive on the field. Otherwise, what you’re doing is only wasting all that time and effort and eventually losing interest in the game altogether.

So let’s find out how we can avoid such a tragedy from taking place. Below we’ve discussed the best time to hunt coyotes.


The Correct Time of the Year


Most coyote hunters love hunting in the fall. It’s because, in this season, coyotes are waiting to be summoned. And it’s during this time of the year that you find young pups out on the loose. So the chances of capturing these young hence dumb creatures are highly likely.


Winter is the most favorite season for predator hunters. Coyotes spend a large part of their day searching for food in the colder months. The low temperature tends to keep them incredibly active during daylight hours.

Hunger, curiosity, paternal, and territorial are the four instincts that define coyotes in the winter season. They get called more, which makes them less susceptible to getting captured. So the best way to go about this is to try something unusual to find success.

Since we’re providing you with useful tips, it’s important for you to know that you need to put on hunting boots for the job. They help in keeping your feet warm, comfortable, and protected in all kinds of cold or harsh environments.



The territorial instincts take full control in spring. This is the time when coyotes start building dens. And one of the most reliable sounds during this season is coyote vocals. When paired with prey distress, they prove to be incredibly useful. You can try howling as well, but that doesn’t come easily without consistent practice.


What is not the best time to hunt coyotes? It’s the summer season. But many hunters still enjoy being on the field during this period of the year. You can make use of decoy dogs if you want to attract coyotes.

The best time of the day

Early Morning

This is the time when not only coyotes but all animals are the most active. So the chances of success are the highest if you go hunting early morning. Coyotes tend to respond to both howl and siren at this point.

Late Morning


Hunting from early morning right up till 11 am is an excellent idea. Since coyotes are more prone to responding to your calls during this time of the day, you get the opportunity to take down as many as you possibly can.


Is this the best time to hunt coyotes? Probably not. But do you know why? It’s because many hunters eat lunch around this time. So the curiosity of the animal pushes it to wander around, especially during the colder months when coyotes have more energy.

This may not be the best time to hunt them, but it’s considered to be the most suitable time to spot coyotes.


Hunting in the afternoon depends on various factors. These include an excellent location, setup, approach, and scouting skills. We tend to become slightly lazy during the afternoons. So we fail to perform some important tasks like checking the wind or climbing the last hill to get to a better location.

But you should know that you can summon coyotes all day long. The only thing that you might be able to use to your advantage is a good technique.


Evenings are just like early mornings for animals. So this is another best time to hunt coyotes. Getting to an evening stand and waiting there till the sun drops is a splendid idea. Many hunters are able to find success in less than 30 to 40 minutes during this time of the day.

Moon Phase

Hunting during the full moon is a tad too difficult because the animal gets the opportunity to see better. But this also means that coyotes will be less hungry the following morning.

You should also know that these creatures have a knack for hunting a lot during the colder months. This leads to burning more calories. So they eat at every opportunity they get. And what does this tell you? That moon phases don’t matter as much, so don’t let them stop you from getting out.

[YouTube video:]

That’s a wrap!

Apart from these factors, weather too plays an important role. But this goes without saying, doesn’t it? Snow storms, heavy rains, or strong winds are not good signs for coyote hunting. This just means that the chances of succeeding after the storm subsides are comparatively higher than calling during the storm.

So remember that it’s always a better idea to hunt when the climatic conditions are in your favor. During extreme weather conditions, coyotes tend to hide out. It’s only when the environment clears out that they get out in great numbers. And this is the best time to hunt coyotes.

Tell us about your experiences and how you go about coyote hunting. The more information we have about the topic at hand, the more coyotes we’ll be able to capture.

Did you find the content useful and informative? If we’ve missed out on anything important, then please let us know in the comments section below.

About the author:

Lamont Ly, the founder of OutdoorHole, is an enthusiastic adventurer who writes about outdoor activities and gear. His passion for adventures has taught him a lot about how to survive in the wild. And it’s these experiences that he likes to share with the world. He has spent several years discussing important facts and providing useful tips about all kinds of activities like fishing, hunting, camping, etc.

