Good night sleep is necessary to remain fit and active in the whole day. It is also an essential requirement for you and your body to enjoy the outdoor experience. This requirement makes sleeping pads a necessary item when it comes for hiking, trekking, and camping.
Sleeping pads works for most of the people but most of the pads o not works when you are using for side sleepers. The reason for this is that the weight distribution of a person while sleeping on his side and a person sleeping on his back and chest is different. When a person is sleeping on his back is distributed over a wide area. And when a person is sleeping on his side, then the body weight will press against the ground. At this position, the pressure is more intensely felt at the hip joints and shoulder. This disturbs your sleep at night and causes pain in joints.
History of sleeping pads
In early 1970, two engineers of Boeing used a slice of foam between two pieces of fabric and invented sleeping pads for campers and hikers. You have to sacrifice plenty of comforts while going on camping and backpacking.
Types of sleeping pads
The first thing is to know about which adventure or activity you are buying the pads. There are three categories of pads from which you can choose from. Closed-cell foam pads provide fail-proof durability, but they do not absorb water and are very easy to set up. The second type is air mattresses; this requires external pressure to inflate them with a pump foot or just by blowing air into the pad. The third category is self-inflating pads. These are warm, plush and convenient. No moisture enters into the interior of a pad.
Some of the best sleeping pads for side sleepers are given below:-
- Big Agnes Q Core SLX
This pad is an improvement over the popular Q core and the Q core SL. It has one valve system which makes easy to inflate and deflate the pad. Valve button eases the fine-tuning the pad. It is an excellent choice for all seasons and can also be used in temperature below freezing points. It is super lightweight at just 16-ounces suitable for all hiking kinds.
Material: TPU Laminate
R-Value: Rated to 320 F
Dimensions: 20*72 inches
Weight: 1Lb
Thickness: 4.25 in
Pros: Pad is very thick so you will get plenty of cushioning
Cons: Pad is not suitable for the cold weather.
- Big Agnes Insulated Air Core Ultra
This type of pad took the market by speed. It is an alternative to the self –inflating thin pads. The rectangular shape of the pad provides a right length and width. Pad can be increased to 3.25 inches.
Material: Ripstop Nylon, TPU Laminate
Dimension: 20*72 in
Thickness: 3.25 in
Weight: 1 lb 5 oz.
Pros: Low volume backpacking will make you forget to believe that you are sleeping on the ground.
Cons: When you are adjusting your sleeping position this pad creates sound.
- Klymit Insulated Static V Lite
This was a follow of Klymit X Frame and is a good contender in the market. Innovative design, lightweight materials, and enough insulation provide complete comfort to the person using this pad. This sleeping pad will be an excellent option for your next hiking and trekking trip.
Material: Synthetic Fibres
Dimension: 23*72 in
Thickness: 2.5 in
Weight: 1 lb 3.6 oz.
Pros: It is more extensive than most of the pads
Cons: It is typical to get all the air out from the pad
- ALPS Mountaineering Featherlite Air Pad
This is an excellent choice for camping and backpacking in summer. Pad is made from Ripstop fabric and is durable.
Material: 40D Ripstop Nylon
R-value: 1
Dimension: 23*72 in
Thickness: 3.5 in
Weight: 1 lb 6 oz.
Pros: Lightweight and easy to inflate
Cons: Low R-Value
- Exped Synmat 7
This pad provides excellent comfort due to its vertical baffles on the pad and helps to feel less bouncy. It has raised edges that helps you to stay in centre. Pad can be used in all seasons.
Material: 75D Polyester, TPU Polyether Film Laminate
R-Value- 4.9
Thickness- 2.8 in
Weight- 1 lb 14.2 oz.
Pros: – Comfortable and easy to inflate and deflate
Cons: Bulky
Above are the best sleeping pads for side sleepers which you can use for the hiking and camping.