March 24, 2025
stryder straps

Today’s outdoor product review is for the Stryder Straps.

The Stryder Straps are ratchet straps with one major difference. The difference is the excess strap is kept stored inside a reel. This really helps keep storage neat as well as when you have things strapped down. The straps I used for testing are the UX 300’s.

stryder straps

The Stryder Straps work a little differently than other straps due to the reel. First, you need to un-secure the hooks from their storage slots.

Once you have the hooks free, you will need to unlock the reel.

stryder straps

Once the reel is unlocked you can unhinge the ratchet and pull the straps out to secure your load. After you set your hooks you can then spin the reel to take up the slack and then ratchet down your load. Once you get the straps tight you can then lock the reel again and all the extra strap is secured inside the reel.

stryder straps

To free up the straps you will first need to unlock the reel again. Once the reel is unlocked you can unhinge the ratchet and loosen them like any other ratchet strap.

stryder straps

Now that the straps are free from the load you can spin the reel to wind up the straps. When the straps are all wound up tight again you can place the hooks back into their housing. Now the Stryder Straps are tucked away neatly for storage until you need them again.

stryder straps

I used them to secure lumber to the trailer for our property and to secure the 4-wheeler as well. I am pleased to announce that they kept everything secure with no movement and no stretching.

stryder straps

Even though the drive to our property is mostly blacktop road, we do have several stretches that would be better off being a 2-rut back country road. We all know how these rough stretches of road make your trailer and its load bounce severely. Even in those rough stretches the Stryder Straps held tight.

stryder straps

I like how everything is kept neat inside the reel, so you don’t have to fight untangling the straps when you need to use them.

Thank you for your time in reading my review and as always, if you enjoyed the read, please share the review with your friends on social media.

Have a great day and enjoy the outdoors,
Tim Collins.