March 27, 2025

Article Written By: Ben Adams 

One way to keep a gun in good working condition and looking great is a good cleaning routine. I cleaned my Smith and Wesson M&P 40 last night and thought I’d take a few photos to show the take down. A video would be way better in explaining the process but maybe the photos won’t be too bad. I may try to do some more of my guns with video to explain the process a little better.I have also included a link from Brownells of an exploded schematic of the Smith and Wesson M&P. It is good for all calibers of the pistol.

First, to make sure the firearm is unloaded, drop the magazine out of the magazine well

Pull the slide back and lock it into place
Always inspect the chamber to make sure it is unloaded and safe to take down
Turn the Frame Tool that is located in the grip 1/4 of a turn and pull out. The interchangeable grip will come off when you do this so don’t worry if it does.
Below is the Frame Tool after it has been removed.
The next step has to be done to remove the slide. Take the point of the Frame Tool and push down the sear (it is the yellow looking piece of metal in the photo below). The sear must be pushed down to remove the slide.
After the sear has been depressed, push down the Take Down Lever
Next, just pull the slide forward to remove it from the firearm
Now all that is left is to remove the Recoil Guide Rod Assembly and the barrel
Now that the pistol is disassembled, you can get to cleaning!
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