March 8, 2025

Every once in a while a product or service get introduced to the public and it can make an impact in many ways.  Also every once in a while these products and services are a idea that I wish I would have thought of years ago.  It’s one of those “Why didn’t I think of that!” kind of ideas.  The group at Outdoor Tracker Systems has come up with the products and services that fits the needs of many if not all of the hunters, sportsmen, bird watchers and many more that enjoy any of the outdoors we all love.

Lets narrow this down to who this product will work for.  If you answer yes to any items in this list, then this is for you.  Do you Hunt, Fish, Hike, Camp, Bike, Canoe, Swim, Mushroom Hunt, Shed Hunt, Kayak or Walk?  If you do any of those activities  then you need to keep reading.  If none of them, then your more than welcome to check out one of our other blogs that will surely interest you.

What is Outdoor Tracker Systems?  There’s actually two parts to OTS.  One part is an actual communicator that is used in the field to let everyone know where you are at.  This is done with visual maps you can display on your vehicle in weather proof containers.  The one pictured to the left is a great set up.  It is a durable plastic box and the lid has a solar powered light on it.  You can set it so its on at all times or turns on and off when it gets dark out.  Really impressive with the little details they thought about with this.  If you have ever hunted public area, this is a must have.  How many times have you walked up on someone that is already hunting or even worse, had someone walk in on you while you were hunting.  Just imagine if you had a deer get scared away because some other hunter didn’t think anyone was in that area.  With the Porta-Board on your truck and using the magnetic markers, they will know where your at.  You can also use the SAF-T-SLAP tree markers to place by your stand.  They can be seen from long away in the woods and will easily show everyone that spot is taken.

OTS offers all of this in multiple packages with different systems for your vehicle, a package of SAF-T-SLAPs or packages that have it all.  OTS also offers full mapping of your property.  Get a 30″ x 30″ high resolution satelitte image of your property mounted on a galvanized panel and covered in clear vinyl.  Its the ideal addition to any property or hunting club.  It even comes with 30 colored magnets to mark those important locations on your property.
That was just a intro into the products OTS has to offer for field use.  We haven’t even gotten to the best part of OTS yet.  It’s the HuntLinx Web Software.

There is so much this online software can do, I can’t type it all out.  Below is copied from the OTS website.

Outdoor Tracker’s huntLINX software is a web-based satellite mapping and communication program that includes Outdoor Activity Management applications, Hunting Property Management software, and Guide and Outfitter Client Management modules.  There are three (3) versions of huntLINX available : Sportsman, Professional, Outfitter.
HuntLINX Sportsman is our Standard Outdoor Mapping and Communication Software which allows members to:
  • Maintain their Personal Profile, including optional EMR information
  • Map, Manage and Save up to 25 Favorite Locations
  • Record over 20 Fixed Data Fields per Location
  • Five (5) User Defined Data Fields per Location
  • Map unlimited temporary Locations
  • Activate up to 10 Locations for network alerts, maximum 3 per day
  • Print Scaled Maps for display in Porta-Board/ Porta-Pouch
  • Run Utilities to Create Reports, Export Data, Print, Update Journal
HuntLINX Professional  is our Enhanced Outdoor Location and Notification Software which includes all features of Sportsman, with additional functionality for Locations and Activations. HuntLINX Pro additional features include:
  • Map, Manage and Save up to 75 Favorite Locations
  • Record up to 50 Fixed and Variable Data Categories per Location
  • Game Camera Photo & Video organizer for Media Management
  • Ten (10) User Defined Data Fields per Location
  • Activate up to 10 Locations, maximum 3 daily for advance scheduling
HuntLINX Outfitter is the Guide & Outfitter software program.  In addition to providing all the functionality of Sportsman and Pro, expanded features of Outfitter include:
  • Expanded Location Management for up to 150 saved locations
  • Record over 50 Fixed and Variable Data Categories per Location
  • Ten (10) User Defined Data Fields per Location
  • Ability to Activate up to 50 Locations for Client Services & Scheduling
  • Guide & Outfitter Client Manager w/ 26 data fields per contact
Check out the videos below on the operation of the software.  You will see all the possibilities this has.
OTS Software Part 1: Getting Started OTS Software Part 2: Mapping & Location Management

OTS Software Part 3: Location Management Functions

The only thing the Average Hunter can tell you is, try it out.  You can go up on the OTS website at and sign up for a 30 day free trial of the huntLINX software.  Play around with it and you will be hooked.  For me, the best part of the software is the ability to see groups or tags others have posted that are public.   If you have a group that all shares a lease, this is a must.  Outfitters will love this also.  You customers can always know where stands are.  And much much more.  Like I said, take the trial run and give it a try.