Op Series MiniNet Outdoor Product Review

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received Op Series Mininet for free from Tribe One as coordinated by Outdoor PR in consideration for review publication
Good afternoon everyone, today’s outdoor gear product review is from our friends at Tribe One and is called the Op Series MiniNet. The Op Series MiniNet features the trademarked Tribe One PackTach System that utilizes a four point system of attaching to your pack. The Op Series MiniNet will add up to 18 liters of exterior storage space to your pack while holding the items secure. The specifications for the Op Series MiniNet are as follows:
Material: 3/16” Nylon Shock Cord
Weight: 3.2 oz.
Storage Capacity: 18 liters
Coverage Area: 12” x 12”
Tensile Strength: 300lbs
Includes: (4) PackTachs’ & (4) aluminum carabiners
The reason I wanted to test the Op Series MiniNet was to add storage space on my backpack I use for packing in hunting clothes. Like many individuals I hike in to my tree-stand or hunting blind from where I park my vehicle. I like to hike in wearing as little as possible so as not to get to warm and sweat too much. Once I get to my destination I will then cool down and then start to add my layers on for the long sit. I do not own a traditional hiking back pack so I use my son’s older school back packs for this job. I think it is a great idea to store the larger articles of clothing to the outside of the pack while utilizing internal storage for the smaller and thinner apparel as well as gear, snacks and water. The use of the Op Series MiniNet allows me to manage my cargo more efficiently while keeping everything still secure.
Now for the “meat and potatoes” of how the Op Series MiniNet performs. First, I needed to attach the Op Series MiniNet to my backpack. To do this I had to attach the (4) PackTachs’ to my pack. Tribe One provides a QR code on their packaging to demonstrate how this procedure is done, however, when I scanned it an error came up stating the video was not found. This is no big deal, as they do not have a specific video for the Op Series MiniNet yet. You can however watch Tribe Ones video for the PackTach in the link I have provided HERE. The process is rather simple but actually genius. I will confess though that for thicker packs, such as the one I am using, the process is a little more difficult. The greatest thing you will need to remember is that you will not rip or tear the pack. It does seem like that is exactly what you are going to do, but I can assure you that this will not happen. Next, I attached the loops on the nylon shock cords to the carabiners. Now the Op Series MiniNet is ready to store whatever the cargo is you want to pack.
To test the ability and durability of the Op Series MiniNet, I am going to store a pair of insulated micro-fleece pants, a micro-fleece Henley and a wool vest. I also was able to store the pants and the Henley together. First I folded and stored the Wool vest and it was no problem. Even though the vest did not even stretch the Op Series Mininet, it stayed in place and did not come loose. Next up was the Henley, and once again there was no problem storing it firmly in place on my backpack. Even though the pants were a bit more bulky and it took me a little work getting them into the Op Series Mininet for proper storage placement, the performance was the same. I should also mention that when I packed each one of the clothing and put the pack on my back, I could not even tell there was extra articles on the outside of the pack. I was both surprised and impressed. Now the sadistic side of me wanted to stuff both the bulky pants and Henley together to see if I could stress the Op Series Mininet. I am proud to announce that the Op Series Mininet performed as advertised. Even though packing them both in was a little difficult, the Op Series Mininet held up and the Packtach’s held everything in place without ripping the backpack.
There you have it folks, a great product that is fairly inexpensive and performs as advertised. I encourage everyone who needs a little extra space on his or her packs or bags to get you an Op Series Mininet from Tribe One.
I would like to thank everyone for his or her time to read this review. If you enjoyed the review, please feel free to share it with your friends on social media.
Thank you and enjoy the great outdoors,
Tim Collins.