In this archery products review, we are looking at the new Double Barrel Arrow Loader. A great new product designed to increase the speed and reduce the movement of getting that next arrow ready for a second shot.
Review Completed by Matt Staser
If you have bowhunted for any amount of time, you have probably been in this situation. You made a bad shot but the deer didn’t run away or at least didn’t run far. You’re going to get a chance at another shot but that deer is on high alert and you now need to reach around your bow, pull an arrow out of your quiver and somehow get it all the way around your bow and in your rest without that deer seeing you. That is never an easy situation and usually doesn’t work out well for the hunter. David Daigler, the inventor of the Double Barrel Arrow Loader, has made that situation easier for everyone.
What Does It Do?
The concept is simple. Place an arrow right next to rest in a position that will allow it to go right into place. This eliminates about 80% of the movement and time normally needed to reload an arrow in the stand. The Double Barrel Arrow Loader does work just as advertised.
How Does It Work?
Using this product is very simple but does take some practice to get used to. The way I used it at the beginning was to place the arrow nock on the string but not placing it in the rest. While it was still nocked up on the string, I would swing the arrow to the front mount of the Double Barrel Arrow Loader. Then undo the string from the arrow and place the arrow on the rear mount. This way I knew that it was lined up to easily pop on the string when needed. From there you just nock the arrow up and draw. Like I said before, it is something that takes some getting used to, so practice.
My Thoughts…..
Check out the full review here…………
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