March 24, 2025

Average Hunter attended the 2014 ATA in Nashville to check out all the new products coming to the market.  This is part one of a series to highlight the better ones that we saw there all of which are all small companies trying to live the dream.

As mentioned, we focused our attention at the ATA at the new companies.  Below and a few future articles (in no particular order) you will find a bunch of products we felt will either be a real benefit to you in the outdoors or just a whole lot of fun.  Please take a minute and go to there websites and give them all a chance.

airburst target

Air Burst

Non-Pyrotechnic Exploding Decompression Target

If you are looking for something that is just cool and loads of fun for everyone, this is it.  All you need is any standard plastic water or soda bottle, a basic bike tire pump and something to shoot.  With the Air Burst you pump the bottle to 100psi of pressure which makes a BIG BOOM when you shoot it with gun or bow.  Enough that your neighbors will be running to the windows to see whos house just blew up.  Well maybe not that big, but close.

Check out Air Burst and watch their videos on their website at


EZ Kut Products

Gear You Can Count On

If you have been to pretty much any outdoors show in the last 20 or so years, you have seen these.  You saw that same guy at every show with a table full of these and chunks of tree limbs laying everywhere.  That was these cutters and that was then.  Now with new ownership, they are taking the same qreat quality pruners and adding a team of products behind it to make every job easier.  They now have extendable handle loppers for the big limbs and heavy duty packs to carry it all.  Backed by a lifetime guarantee, it will be the last ones you will ever need.

View all the new products at


gecko 360

Gecko 360 Treestand

No Tree Is Off Limits

We all know what its like when you find that perfect spot for a stand but its just full of crooked tree and you can’t get a stand to sit right in.  The Gecko offers the most adjustment I have seen so far in a portable stand.  With tons of adjustment side to side and also adjustment front and back, you will have a harder time finding a tree you won’t be able to get this in.  But these stand also come with a quick hand bracket that makes hanging your stand a breeze.

Gecko 360 offers multiple stand sizes and other gear also.  Take a look at them all at


Glow Peep

Hunt in Low Light… Never Lose Sight

Everyone has tried coming up with fixing the low light issue with shooting bows in the woods.  If you are a bow hunter, then you have probably tried them all.  With the new sights out there that pick up a ton of light, we are able to see our pins into the darkness pretty easily or add a light to them.  But the pins are only half the problem.  What about the peep if you use one.  The pins are worthless to most if you can’t find your peep.  The Glow Peep’s LONG lasting charge solves that.  A couple minute charge with your flashlight will last for HOURS, not minutes like most glow in the dark items.  Even sitting out in an afternoon hunt will charge this up enough so you will have it lit up enough to stay in the dark woods until the very last minute.  Oh, and don’t forget about night hunting with a bow.

Pick up a Glow Peep and learn more at


Dirt Nap Gear,

D.R.T. Broadheads

It may just be me, but I love a solid cut on contact broadhead.  Especially ones that look at cool as these.  With options of 100gr or 125gr with just a quick threaded weight and a sharpened back-cut, these broadheads will fit any application from xbow, compound or traditional.  For only $35 for a 3 pack, you can’t beat it.

Find more about Dirt Nap Gear at