Face it, hunters with guns do accidentally kill and wound people. SafeShoot releases technology to prevent these hunting tragedies.
Israeli Defense Force (IDF) members developed SafeShoot to reduce firearms & hunting accidents. Simply put; SafeShoot is a device packed with cutting edge technology that alerts hunters when a party member is down range regardless of visual line of sight. You DO NOT need to see them to know they are in danger.
The United States has 11.5 million hunters. American hunters consider safety to be their primary ethic. Nonetheless, hunting accidents involving firearms occur every fall. This is where SafeShoot comes into action. It mitigates risk of friendly fire during hunting, military battles and law enforcement operations by automatically illuminating an unmistakable red light when a party member is downrange.
SafeShoot attaches to the barrel of most firearms. The technology, a combination of MEMS sensors, GPS and RF communication, ensures accuracy. This wide range of sensors working together guarantees the highest safety standards by reinforcing safe gun handling practices. Several SafeShoot devices create a wireless network that protects each member of the party using the most universal safety signal in the world: A red light.
The founders of the company have a rich military background and see applications for SafeShoot on battlefields. According to IDF Brigadier General (Res) Amir Nadan, the CEO of SafeShoot, “I’m proud to say, our device will save lives during combat and law enforcement operations. Before a soldier fires on a target the system ‘asks’ other systems if a friendly is in the line of fire. If a member of your party is detected, an unmistakable red stoplight illuminates. Simple.”
SafeShoot saves lives.