March 26, 2025

WoolX Merino WoolTesting the new WoolX Merino Wool thermal underwear in the windy frigid Midwest cold.

As hunters we often hear the words “that’s crazy” or “it’s too cold” from all of our non-hunting friends and in most cases they are right. Who in their right mind would go sit high up in a tree exposed to below freezing temps and high winds with only hopes of seeing a deer or their game of choice to walk by the day.  “That’s Crazy!”  We have all been there in one way or another.  For some of us that extreme cold is anything below zero and for others anything below 40.  In any case, we have one goal in common, we want to stay warm and dry.

I was asked to try out some new thermal underwear from WoolX made from Merino Wool.  With our never predictable Midwest weather, I knew it was something I had to try out and man when the time came to try it, I was glad I did.

Staying warm and dry go hand and hand and the first and most important part is staying dry.  This is where I learned that the WoolX Merino Wool shown its strength right away.  It was forecasted to be 20 degrees with a steady 15mph wind with gusts of 30+.   In most cases I would have skipped that day but it was our opener for firearm deer and there is nothing that would keep me out of the trees for that.  With starting my layers off with the WoolX Merino Wool Underwear, I packed on a few other layers on top of that and headed for the long walk to the stand.  I didn’t have enough hands to carry my coat(s) so I had to wear it all.  It was a long walk and I did break out a sweat under all that gear.  Not knowing what to expect from the WoolX, I was kinda glad and now to got to see if it would wick away the moisture.  Although it didn’t wick away the moisture right when it happened, I didn’t stay sweaty for long.  Within a short time I felt dry and warm and ready to take on the day in the stand.

To see the full review, go to