March 24, 2025

When Andy Montgomery approaches a lake in a postspawn pattern the first thing he does is to look for possible spawning areas.

“Locating spawning areas is the key to finding postspawn bass, because during this time the fish will be in transition from these areas to deeper water,” says Montgomery.

Andy finds his best success fishing just outside of that spawning area which is typically the mouth of a creek or pocket, or in grass lakes it could be the outside edge of the vegetation.  Fish will tend to hold on a lot of different cover and structure in these areas so be aware of docks, points, and small drop offs which can produce fish.

“I like to use moving baits when fishing for postspawn bass,” says Montgomery.  “The Strike King Pure Poison and the Strike King Pro-Model Spinnerbait are great baits to use when targeting these fish.  One of myfavorites though is new bait coming out from Strike King called the PerfectRage Blade.”

Andy feels that these baits are great at fishing multiple types of cover and excel in fishing the outside edge of the grass in lakes with vegetation.

Sometimes though the fish might move into deeper wateroutside of the spawning area and this is a great time to throw a crankbait.  “A Strike King series 5 or series 6 is a great way to catch post spawn bass that have moved into deeper water,” stresses Montgomery.

So the next time when you’re stuck trying to locate and catch postspawn bass be sure to follow Andy Montgomery’s advice, and look for those transition areas, throw moving baits and hold on!