March 27, 2025

Article Written by: Ben Adams,

This post was harder but also in a way more fun than I thought it would be to write. Some letters could have 30 different hunting terms associated with them and some were a challenge, X and Z for example. There’s really no right or wrong answer for any of them, these are just what popped in my head as I sat down and wrote it out.

If you have anything you would swap out on this list, just leave me a comment and let me know!

A- Antlers: They get more hunters worked up than you could even imagine. From hanging on the wall to finding sheds after the season, boots cover a ton of miles in search of them.

B- Bow hunting: Nothing is more exciting than killing an animal with a bow and arrow. I know that technology has changed a lot with bows, but the concept remains the same.

C- Cats: I’ve seen a couple of bobcats while deer hunting and missed one last year. Would love to get one on my wall. They are super stealthy and you usually won’t hear them at all walking through the woods.

D- Deer: My absolute favorite animal to hunt. I started hunting deer when I was a kid and have enjoyed every minute of it since.

E- Elk: At the top of my hunting bucket list is to get an elk. I’ve tried, to no avail, the past few years to get an elk tag in AR, but I’ll keep applying in hopes of landing one!

F- Family: This is how many hunters get their introduction to hunting. Someone in their family takes the time to educate and spend time with them outdoors.

G- God: He created the great outdoors and gives us an opportunity to enjoy His creations each time we go hunting. We should also give Him thanks each time we do.

H- Habitat: A good habitat leads to healthy and abundant animals. Also, taking care of the habitat is important, don’t litter and if you see trash left behind by a knucklehead, pick it up.

I- Internet: There are a lot of good hunting blogs and tons of information on the internet. I think this has helped hunters become more educated on buying products and connect with fellow hunters all over the world.

J- Joking around: If you can’t take a good ribbing with your hunting partners about missing that big buck, you might need to hang it up and join forces with PETA.

K. Knife: A good sharp knife will make your day go a whole lot better after a kill. I still have the first hunting knife my dad got me when I was a kid.

L- Laws: Got to obey them. They are put in place (whether we like them or not) in order to better hunting and make it safer.

M- Mathews: My first and only bow thus far is a Mathews. Love what the company stands for and their beliefs. We all have different preferences in archery equipment, this one is mine.

N- Nocturnal: Seems like every year I have a good buck on camera during the day, then the season starts and he goes nocturnal on me. Don’t see him again in the daylight until the next year.

O- Oak trees: Nature’s deer feeder. You can set up on a good oak tree or right by one and vastly increase your chances of pulling deer closer to you.

P- Predators: Bobcats and coyotes are growing in population every year. Shooting at predators can give you some extra practice in the off season to hone your skills.

Q- Quality vs Quantity: Some hunters hunt for the trophies on the wall, some solely for meat in the freezer and there’s quite a few that range somewhere in between.

R- Remington: My favorite hunting rifle is the Remington 700. And they make an awesome shotgun in the 870 as well.

S- Shooting: This is fun even if you are just out at your local range popping off a few rounds with friends. It’s a good way to get better for the season and spend some time with family and friends.

T- Tradition: Could range from anything to hunting your lucky stand every opening morning to being in the same deer camp since you were a kid. It’s part of what makes hunting special to a lot of us.

U- Universal: Hunting is the same all over the world. Whether it’s an Eskimo trying to take down a seal or someone from Arkansas busting ducks, it’s all the same and connects us all.

V. Vitals: Where you want your shot placement to be but doesn’t always land. Sometimes that pesky tree limb gets in the way.

W- Weather: Rain, sleet, heat or snow, a hunting we will always go. I think snow is my all time favorite weather to hunt in.

X- As in a 4 X 4: If you have a great hunting spot, sometimes you have to get some mud on the tires to get to it! And sometimes you have to get a pull to get out of there!

Y- Youth: They are they future of hunting, so teach them right and they will do the same when they are older! It’s fun to see young people get or even see their first deer.

Z- ZZZs: I do like to catch some Zs while I’m in a stand sometimes.

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