Hunting is not just a sport that helps you blow off steam, or a means to put food on your table. It is also a way to have fun while interacting with Mother Nature. If you have engaged in a hunting exercise before, you’ll agree that the thrills and spills that come with finding, chasing, and killing a game can create the most lasting impression.
For those who are yet to taste the sheer excitement and dopamine rush that comes with hunting and killing a game animal, there is so much that you are missing. If you are in this category and you feel that hunting is right up your alley, I have provided you with the ideal starter kit to enjoy your first hunting trip.
Ready? Let’s roll!
1. Learn to exercise patience
Many novice hunters lack patience. They simply want to get into the wild, locate a huge wandering deer (just like that), aim at it with their Beanfield Sniper, and bang, the deer is dead, smeared in its pool of blood. Job finished and time to move on to the next hunt.
Hunting isn’t that easy. First, you need to locate the game animal to even start with. And that is where you need to be patient. Then, after locating the game animal, you also need to ensure that it’s where you want it to be: that also requires patience.
Some people go out every day to hunt animals without success. But when they least expect it, the ideal chance presents itself. So, learn to embrace patience. Your time will come.
2. Kill all noises
A little cracking noise from a twig or a crunching sound from a dried leaf could send your precious target running for its dear life. Thus, as a novice hunter, one of the skills you need to master is silence.
Mimic the hunting strategies of a lion. Zero in on your target without making much noise. Aim with your gun and fire. If all is done right, you’ll catch the animal by surprise, and before it reacts, it’ll be too late.
3. Use the right rifle
If you are going out on a hunt, you’ll surely have to gear up. You’ll need some basic tools like a flagging tape, pocket knife, GPS/radio combo, folding saw, and of course, a rifle.
The rifle you use when hunting determines if you’ll succeed or fail. As a novice hunter, it is essential you go with a rifle that you are comfortable with. Ruger American rifles or a Remington 700 are ideal for beginners. These rifle options are easy to use and lightweight.
Regardless of the type of rifle or crossbow you choose to bring on your hunting trip, it’s important to also consider bringing a rifle sling. This accessory allows hunters to carry their weapon hands-free for long periods of time, which can be particularly useful when climbing over obstacles or tracking prey. The rifle-carrying sling reduces fatigue on the arms and shoulders, making it easier to carry the rifle or crossbow for extended periods of time without experiencing discomfort or strain.
Alternatively, If you aren’t the rifle type, maybe you fall into the category of individuals who are skilled with crossbows; you can consider ditching a rifle for this alternative. While you take time to select the ideal crossbow for your hunting trip, it makes sense that you use an arrow speed calculator to determine the speed of your arrow. Common crossbows for beginners are Barnett Jackal crossbow, Barnett whitetail hunter crossbow, etc.
4. Don’t give up
Of course, there will be a time when hunting seems fun and easy: you find a game animal easily and take it down without much stress. However, there will also be times when you go a few days without a kill. During such times, you mustn’t give up. Instead, restrategize. Change location if you need to, and you’ll surely be smiling again.
Hunting is a thrilling activity packed with lots of fun and adventure. As a novice hunter who has never shot at a game animal or ventured into the wild in search of one, it is pertinent to learn the ropes of hunting to enjoy the act and add some experience under your belt. Remember, stealth is a core part of hunting. Also, watch out for wild animals, as some may be after your game animal as well.